Thursday, October 31, 2019

Performance Appraisal Processes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Performance Appraisal Processes - Essay Example Therefore, for top quality employees the performance should take into consideration the results gained and focus on providing encouraging words or quotes to boost the employee’s morale and motivate him or her to continue working harder. The appraisals done should encourage the employees to focus more on their quantity or quality where necessary. The performance evaluations will target better performance among the empowered workers to ensure that they continue with the energy as they work. Â  The theory that is most consistent with empowerment is the job characteristics theory. It stresses on the fact that there are certain traits about the job a person has that will make him or her motivated to perform excellently. One important thing is that the employee has control over what he or she does and aims to do the best. The motivation, in this case, comes in when the workers are not given control or are given work that does not meet the various characteristics based on feedback, autonomy, task significance, and task identity and skill variety. As such it concurs with empowerment where a workers freedom increases and his or her potential exploited to the maximum. In the case of empowerment, the individual is given more control and independence to tackle various tasks and thus uses his skills to the highest. He or she does not look to meet an individual quota but to perform beyond what the company wants. Â  Landmark Dining is currently considering surveys and the various factors to consider would be competitiveness of the employees, teamwork that involves a relationship with co-workers, the job was done by the employee, communication between employees and senior management benefits, compensation relationship with Superior job security and chances of using the relevant jobs skills at work. The results from the voice system indicate the satisfaction of the customers on the services provided by the establishment.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Patterns Of Recidivism Related To Case Dispositions Of Thesis

Patterns Of Recidivism Related To Case Dispositions Of Alcohol-Impaired Driving Offenses. Harsher Punishment Means Less Recidivism Theory - Thesis Example This should act as a specific deterrence, whiche means that the offender is less likely to offend again. This is both because the greater charge will necessarily bring greater punishment, and the greater charge may be used to enhance penalties for future charges. If an offender pleads guilty to a driving while intoxicated, as opposed to pleading guilty to some other charge, like a driving while ability impaired, then that person has to contend with the harsher sentence of the DWI in comparison to the DWAI. He or she also has to contend with the consequences that radiate from this higher insurance rates, license revocation, etc. And, the offender must also know that, if he or she gets arrested again, he or she already has one DWI on his or her record, as opposed to having a DWAI on his or her record, so the penalties will be enhanced. Therefore, the basic premise of this study is that harsher penalties will result in less recidivism. The study at hand will hopefully illuminate whether this hypothesis is correct, as well as look at the effect that harsher penalties has on specific deterrence for the offender. Another basic premise is that plea bargaining to a lesser offense does not provide the proper deterrence to DWI offenders. The literature review will look at studies which shed light on this hypothesis, although whether or not harsher penalties, actually reduces recidivism or is the best method of reducing recidivism, is an open question. There are studies ( Moffatt & Poynton, 2007; Salzburg & Paulsrude, 1984; Yu, 1994) which state that harsher penalties do in fact reduce recidivism, but the literature also suggests that other methods may also reduce recidivism, perhaps to the extent that harsher penalties do or even more than harsher penalties. For instance, studies (Streff et al., 2001; Guerin & Pitts, 2002) suggest that a pre-trial diversion, which means that the offender does not plead guilty to any charge, but, rather, agrees to enter a rehabilitation p rogram and, upon successful completion, will have the charges against him dropped, are successful in preventing repeat offenders. Ignition interlock is another method which has shown promise in this regard(Popkin et al., 1992 ). Therefore, harsher penalties are not necessarily the final word on whether or not an offender recidivates, and the challenge of this study is to determine if the harsher penalties, and lack of plea bargaining, offers a better outcome for recidivism then do alternative methods. Literature Bolstering The Theory that Harsher Punishment Means Less Recidivism One of the theories regarding criminal recidivism is that it is generally reduced when the punishment is swift, certain, and severe (Moffatt & Poynton, 2007). However, it is unclear whether swift, certain, and severe punishment actually do deter repeat offenses. For instance, Nichols & Ross examined the literature surrounding whether actual incarceration results in less recidivism. They looked at several stu dies which tracked recividism rates for offenders who were incarcerated at either a general facility, like a jail or prison, or a special facility, such as an intensive treatment lockup. In reviewing these studies, Nichols & Ross found that, in five of the studies, there was no reduction in recividism. One study which found that traditional lockups did not reduce recividism, but special facilities did. One study which found that a traditional prison and a special facility showed no difference in recividism. And one study which found that incarceration reduced recividism for first-time offenders. Since

Sunday, October 27, 2019

National Kidney Foundation Leadership

National Kidney Foundation Leadership In 2005, National Kidney Foundation faced a leadership crisis that raised many public issues that became the subject of much scrutiny. A public issue is any issue that is of mutual concern to an organization and one or more of its stakeholders. With regards to National Kidney Foundation (NKF), both the organization and its stakeholders were concerned over the issue of funds being misused, a lack of transparency and the lack of enforcement of laws internally. The emergence of these issues has not only raised media attention but also became the subject of much controversy. It has resulted in public backlash and has definitely shaken public confidence in charitable organizations. The main ethical issue which surfaced was NKFs misuse and mismanagement of the funds primarily donated by the public. As a non-profit organization, NKFs public mission was to help needy patients. Though they were effective in using both the media and campaigns to garner donations to support their cause, these funds were misused. As stated in the case study, trials revealed that the claims made by an article published in the Straits Times in 2004, about NKFs Chief Executive Officer, T T Durai alluding to wastefulness and extravagance were in fact true. There was excessive spending made by T T Durai such as a gold tap that had been installed in the executive bathroom and personal luxuries including a fleet of eight cars that came together with company drivers. In addition, given that TT Durai was entitled business class flight by SIA, as a trustee over donors money, Durai should get best value on a business class seat instead of using it for first class on another plane (NKF v SPH: Cou rt Transcript for July 11th 2005 Morning Session). Instead of using the funds for the right purposes such as to help NKFs patients, T T Durai had misappropriately used the funds for his personal wants. Another major issue to be discussed is the lack of transparency with regards to being accountable on how NKFs funds collected from donors were utilised. There was a lack of a transparent system in documenting managment minutes at NKF. The meeting minutes was an important documentation reflecting the discussions and decisions of how NKFs funds should be utilised. The fact that it went missing may have given the public the impression that NKF was negligent in its duties. When the funds of the NKF were not properly accounted for, the public become skeptical and doubtful of NKF. People start to lose trust in the NKF as they become suspicious that NKF is just another bourgeois conspiracy. Corporate governance refers to the process by which a company is controlled, or governed. In having systems of internal governance that determine the overall strategic direction and balance conflicting interests that may arise, such is crucial to the organizations performance. In helping to establish an effective internal governance structure, the board members play a central role. They are responsible for setting missions and aims that take into account stakeholder interests, develop comprehensive policies and appointing a committee of top-level personnel to execute these policies. However, in NKFs case, the lack of a enforcement of policies within the internal governance structure among the Board members has led to repercussions. The actions of the Board members have contributed to these problems. Under the Executive Committee, approval of proposals were made by default without seeking the overall consensus of the board. Furthermore, the audit committee failed to receive necessary the necessary support from the EC and fellow members in implementing necessary internal control measures. As such, negligence from each department snowballed into an undesirable consequence that the NKF had to bear. Due to the fact that there was insufficient discipline in part by each committee, these were the main contributing factors to the problems. In addition, NKF provided no avenues for the public to give constructive feedback to improve its performance. Essentially, the failure of the Board members to employ good corporate governance had brought to light serious concerns over Durais fund raising strategies. Despite NKFs mischief, its fund raising strategies were very efficient . As a non-profit organization, NKFs main aim was to look after its patients and encompassed drawing resources from society to contribute back to society as a whole. To do this, NKF has successfully employed an interactive stance in engagement with the public to raise funds for charity. The introduction of the NKF live charity show since 1994 incorporated stunts performed by foreign and local celebrities in exchange for donations. Such a method was effective as they appealed to the public, raising $4.5 million in 1994 which slowly grew to $16.8 million in the 2004 show. This suggests that NKFs fund raising strategies were effective as they involved enthusiasm in adopting creative and innovative methods to genuinely raise funds for the greater good of patients. It was through these funds raised that patients benefited tremendously. Optimists have also supported Durais fund raising strategies as NKF has successfully reached out to different segments of the community, both the young and old. Besides having a charity show where the public can pledge their support, these additional strategies include using telemarketing techniques to recruit and retain donors, coupled with the recruitment of students and National Servicemen to raise funds via pledge cards. These initiatives illustrate Durais inherent motivation in garnering increased donations for its patients. By promoting its fund raising strategies through different avenues, this helped NKF to reach out to a wider spectrum of people, targeting the public from different age and backgrounds. Applying a two pronged approach, Durais fund raising strategies can also be applauded for having long term vision. He realized that besides the direct implementation of policies to raise funds, what was needed for NKF to garner substantial funds was to build its brand image. Under his helm, NKF increased its brand image locally by implementing a complimentary Cabby Health Screening Program and engaging local media channels through programs such as Health Maters. Through these, there was an emphasis that NKF strictly enforces a non-discriminatory approach when it comes to raising awareness about the disease in that every individual, regardless of background could be susceptible to the disease. Its network of dialysis centres was also expanded, providing accessible and affordable healthcare to the public. In the international arena, Durai strived to increase brand recognition by getting endorsement from public and international leaders and having their success story written by credible sources. NKFs programs were also promoted via renowned Brazillian soccer legend, Pele. Forward planning in directly raising funds and increasing brand image has thus helped NKF encourage a larger recognition of its practices and consequently, a substantial pool of donations. However, critics have argued that such fund raising techniques are too aggressive and have deviated from the motto of its organisation. Although NKF recruited the younger generation to raise funds through pledge cards, this was not done purely out of goodwill but in exchange for monetary incentives. Similarly, by consciously seeking and obtaining endorsements from public and international leaders as well as the employment of credible sources to write their success stories, their reputation and credibility is in question. Although these acts ultimately increase the brand recognition of the foundation, which is crucial to the attraction of donors, they display NKFs aggressiveness and possible misdirection in their techniques. Although important, a charitable non-profit organisations branding is fundamentally secondary to its mission and purpose. The deontology approach is defined as the approach to ethics that focuses on the good and evil of the act alone, not necessarily the outcome. Using the deontology approach, T T Durai may be deem as unethical as the intent to fundraise may be a misrepresentation of the NKF and therefore deceiving the public to donate more. In this aspect, his fund raising strategies are unethical as the means differ from what is advocated by the company. Setting executive compensation is one important function of the Board members. In NKFs case, the lack of corporate governance has also caused Durais compensation package to be the subject of much controversy. With the ongoing issues associated with NKF, cynics have felt that the compensation package remunerated to Durai was excessive. Durai was paid bonuses ranging between 4 months and 12 months which was not what one would expect to receive considering that he is working in a charitable organisation. Prima Facie, although his bonuses may seem to be over evaluated, Durai is not overpaid as he deserves to be rewarded for the outstanding results he achieved for NKF. In building NKFs brand image and employing successful fund raising techniques, Durai managed to increase the amount of donations that were raised through the NKF charity show from $4.5 million in 1994 to $16.8 million in 2004. Under his leadership, he was also awarded the Public Service Bar by the Singaporean government in 1992 for his contribution to NKF and expanded NKFs network of dialysis centres for its patients. Thus, from the perspective of distributive justice, the benefit of Durai being highly paid is ethical as much of the success of NKF was due to Durais tremendous efforts. In relation to the average salary other top executives are paid, Durai is not overpaid as his salary of $25,000 a month coincides with what individuals holding top management positions are paid. Furthermore, Tan Choo Leng, wife of former Prime Minister Goh Chong Tong commented that Durais salary was peanuts compared with the donations the high-flyer raised for the organization. [1] This suggests that based on his contributions towards NKF, Durai, such a high salary is justified and will provide an incentive for motivation to increase NKFs performance. In relation to Durais compensation package, there will always be differing views and there is no right or wrong to it. The reason why individuals feel that Durai may be overpaid may be due to the fact that NKF is a non-profit organization that should not be so concerned with profits. Perhaps, NKF should consider the views of the public, compare the salary of top managers with those of average employees and quantify the efforts of the management relative to their remunerations. In light of the 2005 NKF saga and its various spin-offs that have dominated the domestic news, there are several changes that can be adopted so that the same problems would not happen again. Essentially, there is a need for proper governance to ensure that corporate objectives are established, stakeholder interests are protected and the managements performance in check. In proposing the possible changes that could be adopted, analysis of the Stakeholder Map is imperative to determine the various positions of the stakeholders in terms of salience and position on the issues put forth earlier. Through stakeholders reactions to these issues, it is useful in determining possible changes that are crucial to ensure that NKFs decisions and actions are in line with stakeholders interests, to prevent such problems in the future. With collaborative involvement with these key stakeholders, the possibility of problems arising would be reduced as well. * * For Position on the issue Salience refers to how important an issue is, or how much attention it brings to NKF. When stakeholders have salience, they usually have power to assert a large impact on NKF, urgency in demanding NKF to do something about the issues or legitimacy which refers to the level of appropriateness of the stakeholders actions towards the issues. In the above stakeholder map, the public have the highest salience on the issue as they have high urgency and legitimacy. Since the funds of NKF are primarily contributed by the public, strong violations from these donors over the issue of misuse of funds would warrant much media attention. In proposing the possible changes that could be made, NKF needs to recognize that they are not able to operate independently. The survivability and performance of NKF then hinges on its effectiveness in engaging with varied stakeholders and recognizing their interests, especially the public. By aligning the publics interests with NKFs objectives, this would prevent the widening of the performance expectations gap, reducing the likelihood of these problems re-occurring. Hence, one area that could be improved on is information transparency and disclosure to the public. Steps should be taken to ensure transparency where there is communication to ensure involvement of the public. The public should be informed on new developments either through press conferences or releases. The companys financial activity should also be made known to the public with clear intentions, and certified by known accounting firms. This can be done through regular emails or letters that are sent out to donors or invitations to annual general meetings so that the public can contribute their views. By being accountable for the funds, the public would be more informed on how the funds received by NKF are spent, increasing the reliability of NKF. This would increase their confidence in donating towards NKF. Fostering a stronger relationship with the public will also help to reap benefits for NKF. NKF should reach out in engaging the general public through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to provide the public with the opportunity to voice out their opinions on company decisions. Such an interaction will allow NKF to draw upon the publics reactions and societal expectations to further boost NKFs reputation. By constantly updating these platforms with information or messages NKF wishes to convey to the public, this helps in the publics understanding of what NKF is doing. Beyond that, the public will also feel reassured that their interests are considered, building support for NKFs practices. Besides the public, the employees of NKF have low salience as they have been obscured on these issues. Due to the nature of their job, individual influence on any decision-making by the board is minimal. However, they must realise that they play a part on the issues revolving NKFs misconducts. By turning a blind eye to the misdeeds mentioned above or worse, taking part in it, these employees accommodate the problem and only allows it to escalate further. They must realise, that themselves being part of the organisation, they have a responsibility to act against any deviation from the mission of the foundation and a collective effort can prevent the history from repeating itself. Therefore, employees can have high salience if they collaborated and worked together, ensuring that the organization does not stray away from its core values. Upon futher analysis of the stakeholder map in relation to the employees of NKF, policies should also be employed to better ensure the organizations governing structure. For example, a system based on adequate internal controls should be introduced. In the instance of NKF, it is evident that there was a failure to adhere to internal audit controls as it was stated that the audit committee was to meet every 3 months to review audit plans and evaluate the adequacy of the internal control systems but they had never met. Furthermore, the committee failed to implement recommendations spelt out by internal auditors due to lack of support. Thus, NKF should outsource its internal audits to external auditors from independent accounting firms. Having such an unbiased third party ensures that corporate governance is enhanced as there is impartiality with regards to NKFs auditing processes. Although adoption of stringent practices may incur high costs, it is worth the investment to prevent the future misuse of funds. Such a practice would ensure that there is a system of checks to ensure funds are managed in line with the organizations mission, preventing financial lapses in the future. The members of the board should also only contain a few members that are current managers of NKF. The remaining members should be independent in the sense that they have no connection whatsoever to the corporation other than being a Board member. These members should either be appointed or elected by shareholders. In addition, the performance of each member should be reviewed regularly to assess if they were competent enough in assuming their responsibilities. Although NKFs Board members were volunteers who served in the belief that every member was acting in the best interests of the foundation, they normally approved proposals by default instead of through collective decision making. This meant that decisions were not made on a consensus basis but based on a hierarchal structure with the CEO having the dominant say, which resulted in the problems aforementioned. With a board comprising various key stakeholders, both internally and externally, greater transparency will be present an d the individual interests of major stakeholders will not be compromised. With greater transparency, the public would be assured that NKF has no intentions of hiding certain facts but are assuming their responsibilities. In moving forward to ensure that the NKF operates in an accountable and transparent manner, the initiative to align every committee members and employees responsibilities to NKFs mission is crucial. The Board members, together with the Chief Executive Officer have a responsibility to set future directions for the organization. The issues that surfaced at NKF were evidently due to the lack of governance in ensuring that stringent measures were implemented to ensure committees were compliant. Hence, the top management should incorporate regular discussions to remind employees of NKFs prime objectives, review performance and set new directions and foster team spirit in meeting these goals. NKF can also seek to provide employees with more say in broad decision making. Employees must also be made aware the channels for whistling and encouraged to flag when they feel that things are not right. By doing so, this will enforce that employees have a common and clear knowledge of the companys p ractices. It is evident from the stakeholder map that the government has high salience pertaining to these issues due to power in asserting a large impact. The opinions of the government on NKF will greatly impact the reactions and actions of the public and thus, should not be neglected. In hindsight, having a sound internal governing structure is the first step in preventing the future problems from occurring. The NKF saga was a result of a lack of accountability and mismanagement of funds which was further intensified as NKF was not transparent about meeting the publics interest and allocating the funds in the best possible manner. While the interest and needs of stakeholders are ever changing, NKFs attempts in balancing the varying interests and aligning them in the organizations direction is of utmost importance. This can only be achieved with good corporate governance.In doing so, the successful operation of NKF will establish trust within the government and translate to a win-win situation for both NKF and its stakeholders.

Friday, October 25, 2019

What is outsourcing Essay -- Globalization essays, research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is Outsourcing? It is a method in which companies subcontract labor and support to outside agencies (Klepper, 1997). How, why, and who companies outsource to are quickly becoming social topics of discussion in our society. Everyone seems to have an opinion on outsourcing. I bet that I can walk into a social gathering right now and hear discussions like â€Å"outsourcing is good for the American consumer† or outsourcing takes jobs away from all of the hard working Americans.† In either case, outsourcing has raised great concerns over its effects on the American economy. In this paper, I will discuss the types of outsourcing, pros and cons associated with outsourcing, management views of outsourcing, employee views of outsourcing, and give my opinion of outsourcing. What does outsourcing do? It enables companies to focus on the mission at hand, to save money and be competitive. Depending on a Company’s needs determines the type of outsourcing that company may use (Embleton, 1998). Outsourcing is a very diverse market, and there are many different outsourcing options from. Two common types of outsourcing I will focus on are Information Technology (IT) outsourcing and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) (Bowen, 1998). Through research, I found that Information Technology (IT) Outsourcing is a rapidly growing market. I.T. outsourcing enables companies to continue to manage their core business, while outside agencies manage their technology needs (Bowen, 1998). It’s a way of getting rid of those high paid, college graduated employees. I.T. outsourcing allows companies to use cost-cutting methods to cover computing needs, large mainframe and midrange data center, manage numerous networks and run desktops across the globe (Bowen, 1998). Advantages of outsourcing information technology include, but are not limited to, less capital expenditure, less management headache, and keeping focus on core competencies. Less capital expenditure means a company does not have to buy expensive hardware and software. Less management headache relieves companies of having to hire and manage accounting personnel. Keeping focus on core competencies affords companies’ time to strengthen and gain a competitive edge over the competition (DiRomualdo, 1998). Disadvantages of outsourcing information include less managerial control, may be more expensive, and Sec... ...Workers in developing nations will get new and higher-paying jobs, and consumers in the U.S. will be able to buy products that are cheaper than if they were made at home. But is this really good for our society. We will soon find out. References Bowen. T and LaMonica, M. (1998). IT gets picky with outsourcing. Infoworld 20(33), 1-3 De Rose, L. (2004). The Downside to Outsourcing. Electronic Buyers’ News. July 14, Issue 1066. DiRomualdo, A & Gurbaxani. (1998). Strategic intent for IT outsourcing. Sloan Management Review. 39(4), 115. Earl, M.J. (1996). The risks of outsourcing IT. Sloan Management Review. 37(3), 26-33. Embleton, P.R & Wright, P.C. (1998). A practical guide to successful outsourcing. Empowerment in Organizations. 6(3), 1-11 Hayes, R and Pisano, G. (1994). Beyond World-Class: The New Manufacturing Strategy. Harvard Business Review. 72(1). Klepper, R & Jones, W. (1997). Outsourcing information Technology, Systems and Services. Prentice Hall. Nicholas, J. (1998). Competitive Manufacturing Management (Singapore:McGraw-Hill). Chapter 19, Managing the Supply Chain, pg 672 Strassmann, P.A. (1995). Outsourcing: A Game for Losers. Computerworld. August 21.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


The Little Mermaid â€Å"Up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sun. Wandering free, wish I could be, part of that world. † Ariel sings this in the beginning of The Little Mermaid after an adventure with Flounder. She wishes to be a human with legs and live the way the humans do. The Little Mermaid is an example of a monomyth, also called a heroic adventure. Ariel may not seem like a so-called-typical-hero throughout the majority of the movie, but she has her own heroic ways.Three characteristics of a hero are a remarkable birth, troubled childhood, and being able to rely on ones natural strength. Ariel grows up with several sisters, no mother and a father who is the king of the sea, King Triton. She was miserable being a mermaid and knew that she had to find her own way to escape the sea. Ariel’s call to adventure began when one night, Ariel, Flounder and an unwilling Sebastian travel to the ocean surface to watch a celebration for the birthday of Prince Eric on a ship, with whom Ariel falls in love with.In the ensuing storm the ship is destroyed and Ariel saves the unconscious Eric from drowning. Ariel sings to him, but quickly leaves as soon as he regains consciousness to avoid being discovered. Fascinated by the memory of her voice, Eric vows to find who saved and sung to him and Ariel vows to find a way to join him and his world. Her option then comes along and is given to her by the sea hag, Ursula’s, electric eels, Flotsam and Jetsam. They give her the option to come with them to Ursula who can change Ariel into a human, or she can stay and be miserable her whole life.In every heroic adventure the main hero needs to receive help along his/her journey. Ursula makes a deal with Ariel to transform her into a human for three days in exchange for Ariel's voice When Ursula used her magic to turn Ariel into a human and take away her voice that was Ariel’s supernatural aid because it caused her to be able to go and win Eric’s heart. But it’s also bittersweet because Ariel must receive the â€Å"kiss of true love† from Eric; otherwise, she will transform back into a mermaid and belong to Ursula. Ariel’s quest is now in motion and she must find Eric.Instead Eric finds Ariel on the beach and takes her to his castle. Ariel spends time with Eric, and at the end of the second day, they almost kiss but Flotsam and Jetsam flip their boat and ruin it. That was Ariel’s first obstacle. Ursula then disguises herself as a beautiful young woman named Vanessa and appears onshore singing with Ariel's voice. Eric recognizes the song and, in her disguise, Ursula casts a hypnotic enchantment on Eric to make him forget about Ariel. The next day, Ariel finds out that Eric will be married to the disguised Ursula.Scuttle discovers that Vanessa is Ursula in disguise, and informs Ariel who immediately goes after the wedding barge. This is Ariel’s second obstacle . Sebastian informs Triton, and Scuttle disrupts the wedding with the help of various animals. In the chaos, the nautilus shell around Ursula's neck is broken, restoring Ariel's voice and breaking Ursula's enchantment over Eric. Eric rushes to kiss her, but the sun sets and Ariel transforms back into a mermaid. Ursula reveals herself and kidnaps Ariel. Ariel now faces her final test.Triton confronts Ursula and demands Ariel's release, but the deal is inviolable. At Ursula's urging, the king agrees to take Ariel's place as Ursula's prisoner. Ariel is released as Triton transforms into a polyp and loses his authority over Atlantica. Ursula declares herself the new ruler and a struggle ensues in which Ursula accidentally kills Flotsam and Jetsam. In her rage, Ursula uses the trident to grow to monstrous proportions. Ariel and Eric reunite on the surface just before Ursula grows past and towers the two.She then gains full control of the entire ocean, creating a storm with a maelstrom an d shipwrecks, one of which Eric commandeers. As Ursula attempts to destroy a trapped Ariel in the maelstrom, Eric runs Ursula through the abdomen with the ship's splintered bowsprit killing her. Ursula's power breaks, causing Triton and all the other polyps in Ursula's garden to revert back into their original forms. Realizing that Ariel truly loves Eric, Triton willingly changes her from a mermaid into a human. Ariel and Eric marry on a ship and depart.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Own Self Concepts Essay

Own Self Concepts SPC 2300 – 12 Own Self Concepts 1. Define one change you would like to make in yourself. It might be a behavior or anything about yourself that you would like to alter. * I would like to change one of my behaviors about myself. The worst quality about me is that I am always late no matter what the case may be. I am not late on purpose, but it seems like something always puts me behind schedule. It drives both my family and friends crazy. They have learned when I say I will be there in thirty minutes, to expect me in about an hour. This is a behavior of mine that I need to work on immediately. . Write a specific goal for making the change, being sure your goal is realistic and fair. Use affirming, motivational language in your goal. For example, â€Å"I will show my best friends that I am paying attention when they talk to me. † * This is something about myself I have needed to change for a long time. It is not something I do intentionally to drive my f amily and friends crazy. I need to become a little more time oriented, so that I can be where I say I am going to be, at a certain time. I will show my family and friends that I can be on time to their events. My first goal is to sit down with a calendar, and write down already known events and times. This way I will not schedule more than one event at a time. Next, by having a planner, I can add any new events that occur in future. I will be able to check available dates and make sure I have nothing already planned. Lastly, by sticking to my schedule and planning ahead it should reduce the amount of time I am late. I know I always have to expect the unexpected, but at least I have control over the already known about. 3. Observe or think of others who are models for what you want to be. Write down what they do. For example, â€Å"Tracy nods a lot and repeats back what others say so they know she is listening. † * A model person for me to observe and take tips from would be my mother. She will have a whole list of things to accomplish within her day, and gets them all done and on time. She has a monthly day planner that she carries with her at all times. She always makes sure to add important and upcoming events, as well as any of her daily to-dos to the planner. My mom also makes sure not to make more plans than she can fulfill within her day. It seems to work for my mom, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for me. . What context or setting is required for you to achieve your goal? For example, â€Å"I will talk with my friends in private, distraction-free settings. † * I will need to follow the schedule I set for myself and not let myself get distracted from my original plans. It might even be good for my family and friends to be a little bit stricter when it co mes to my tardiness. For the most part, this behavior is something I have to train myself on. No one else can do this for me. I have got to learn how to manage my time better, so that I will arrive at events when I am supposed to be there. . Identify potential barriers to the change. Some potential barriers that may cause some problems for my change will be the exact people who request the change of me. I will admit that I do control a lot of my tardiness, but not all of it is my fault. I will be on my way somewhere, when a friend asks me to do something for them. They promise it will only take five minutes. At that point, it is usually over an hour when they are done with me. I have got to learn to tell my family and friends no sometimes, in order to fulfill prior obligations.